I attended a Sunday Mass commemorating the Feast of the Our Lady of Penafrancia... And I have been enlightened once more... Thank you to my very good friend, Fr. Dan Viola who has inspired once more the church goers...
There are three stages of Motherhood namely:
- To bear a child for 9 months
- To give birth
- To be a nurturing and tenderly loving Mother.
As our Faith enfolds we partake in our Mama Mary's Motherhood...
- To bear a child for 9 months- This reflects Jesus Christ. We conceive our life with Jesus as a Christian. We want to be like Jesus, so what we do is We imitate and conceive our Faith in Jesus.
- To give birth- Giving birth is painful. So does it mean we as Christians give birth. This simply means when we embrace Jesus-conceive Jesus and take PAINS in the sufferings of Jesus. Take pains in bringing Jesus to others. Why Pains? a lot of men and women, tend to look sideways (as if they are looking for somebody else) when you talk about Jesus. Does it hurt? Definitely, but as true Christians, we do not stop there...
- To be nurturing and tenderly loving Mother means we Christians need to be as loving as our Mother Mary in terms of taking care of the least of our brethren. Brothers and Sisters are we.. Who take care of the sick and the dying , who visit the prison, feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, give a home to those homeless and last bury the dead.
Sounds easy? Nah... Difficult they are... But when we look at this view, what if I am a Mother to this person-shall I abandon? The answer there lies in our hearts. We know what is righteous and not. We know what is in our Heart. Mind you-not brains! But our inner core- our Heart...
Blessings of Miracles and grace be with you all